Token passing

Token passing is a really nice way to understand (and even to implement) Viterbi search for Hidden Markov Models. Here we see token passing in action, and you can look at the spreadsheet to see the calculations. To keep things simple, we are ignoring transition probabilities in this example. It would be simple to add them […]

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TD-PSOLA …the hard way

Time-Domain Pitch Synchronous Overlap and Add (TD-PSOLA) can modify the fundamental frequency and duration of speech signals, without affecting the segment identity – that is, without changing the formants. Normally, it’s an automatic algorithm, but here we do it the hard way – by hand! If you want to follow-along, you will need Audacity and these materials (a […]

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Spectrum and spectrogram

The spectrum and the spectrogram are much more useful ways of analysing speech signals than the waveform. We look at how to create them using Wavesurfer and what effect the analysis window size has on what we see.    

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Interactive unit selection

Just a toy demo, but should give you some idea of how unit selection waveform generation works. Click with your mouse to choose a candidate diphone from each column, then the corresponding synthesised waveform will appear. You can click on the synthesised waveform to hear it again. Try to obtain the most natural-sounding synthesis by […]

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Pipeline architecture for TTS

Pipeline architecture

Most text-to-speech systems split the problem into two main stages. The first stage is called the front end and contains many separate processes which gradually build up a linguistic specification from the input text. The second stage typically uses language-independent techniques (although they still require a language-specific speech corpus) to generate a waveform. Here we see those two […]

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The bitrate (or bit rate) of a signal is the number of bits required to store, or transmit, 1 s of that signal. A bit is a binary number: either 0 or 1. Let’s calculate the bitrate of a digital waveform. First you should revise the concepts of sampling and quantisation from this module of the […]

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