Reading Spectrograms – Words

A worked example of spectrogram reading, i.e. speech recognition. This sort of spectrogram reading exercise would be a “stretch” question in this speech processing course, but it’s a foundational part of most phonetics courses. We’ll focus on getting computers to do it instead!

Reading Spectrograms – Consonants

More detail on how spectrograms map to consonant articulations. Learning this type of mapping is how we do speech recognition and synthesis!

Reading Spectrograms – Vowels

More detail on how spectrograms map to vowel articulations


Spectrograms display the spectrum of frequencies in a recording over time. This sort of frequency representation is the basis of speech technologies automatic transcription and speech synthesis.


The shape of the vocal tract results in different frequencies getting boosted or dampened.


Periodic signals are perceived as having a pitch. The physical property of fundamental frequency relates to the perceptual quantity of pitch.