Zen, Black & Tokuda: Statistical parametric speech synthesis

A review article that makes some useful connections between HMM-based speech synthesis and unit selection.

Taylor – Chapter 15 – Hidden-Markov-model synthesis

Written with a traditional “starting from automatic speech recognition” viewpoint, you will need to make the connections for yourself to the more general concept of text-to-speech as a regression problem.

Qian et al: A Unified Trajectory Tiling Approach to High Quality Speech Rendering

The term “trajectory tiling” means that trajectories from a statistical model (HMMs in this case) are not input to a vocoder, but are “covered over” or “tiled” with waveform fragments.

Pollet & Breen: Synthesis by Generation and Concatenation of Multiform Segments

Another way to combine waveform concatenation and SPSS is to alternate between waveform fragments and vocoder-generated waveforms.

King: A beginners’ guide to statistical parametric speech synthesis

A deliberately gentle, non-technical introduction to the topic. Every item in the small and carefully-chosen bibliography is worth following up.