I created that phone file with the same phone set (gam) with the command
festival –script \$FESTVOXDIR/src/promptselect/text2utts.scm
-eval festival_with_gam.scm
-level Segment
-itype data
-o stories_utts.phones stories_utts.data
I still get different phones in the .mlf file and the .phones file.
I created the .mlf with the General American phone list (phone set “A” in my first post). How can I make sure it’s using that same phone set when it creates the .phones file?
Is there a command to modify the method used by Festival to prob_models?
As mentioned in the linked post, reading the decision tree isn’t an obvious task. Are we expected to explain where in the rules the letter-to-sound process failed for a novel word?
If so, is there an easier way to go through the rules (I’m looking at the letter ‘e’ which has an extensive tree) ?
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