That’s very clear. Thank you!
On page 76, the author mentions that it is possbile there is no component with a frequency which is the same as the frequency of repetition of the complex wave.
Then He uses an example of component frequencies 1800Hz, 2000Hz and 2200Hz, and the complex wave frequency of 200Hz. This confuses me a lot. Is this a general case for harmonics? (i.e. the greatest common divisor of the component frequencies is the frequency of the complex wave?) or just a special case for harmonics here? (i.e. this 200Hz complex wave happens to have components with frequency 1800 2000 and 2200Hz) Thank you
Thank you for the clarification. During decoding, in hierarchical full graph, some phone HMM also occurs in several word (e.g. [ow] in “zero” and “oh” in Fig 9.22 in Jurafsky’s book). Are the A matrix and Gaussian parameters also shared among the occurrences?
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