A good question +1
I see, thanks again!
Have a nice working Christmas in Japan! メリークリスマス(Merry Christmas)!
That’s very clear explanation. Thank you!
And a follow-up question. If it’s true to say “the turbulent air is one of the sound source of voiced fricatives”, then is it also acceptable to say “a constriction somewhere in the vocal tract is one of the sound source of voiced fricatives”?
Personally I found the alternative wording a wee bit strange but still acceptable…
(Well actually this exam question has been torturing me for some days…
Regarding the 13th feature in MFCC, JM2 9.3.6 says that “the energy in a frame is the sum over time of the power of the samples in the frame”.
My understanding of this is that, in the time-domain waveform, we have energy as amplitude, which could have positive and negative values, so to avoid them from cancelling each out, we take the power.
Is this on the right track? Is this the most common way of representing sound energy?
Also, I have seen some different versions of calculating the energy in question on the Internet. One of them is to take the log of energy and add it as the 13th feature of MFCC(link). Does it matter which way we choose to represent the energy?
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