A similar import problem, during generation, this time for
import bandmat as bm
import bandmat.linalg as bla
in mlpg_fast.py. Is there any way to get this package on the PPLS Macs?
Sorry for being unclear: I wrote the question in a bit of a rush!
The paper notes that this method separates utterances into clusters. Upon examination, there is a cluster of “natural” utterances (6 and 7), a cluster of utterances which are unnatural due to prosody (5 and 1) and a cluster of utterances which are unnatural due to segmental errors (2 and 4). Based on this they conclude that prosodic and segmental errors are two separate dimensions which can influence naturalness judgements.
If such a study were carried out at the same time as a MOS evaluation (on the same participants), and found that, unlike the above example, there were two clusters only: a cluster of unnatural prosody, and another cluster of both natural utterances and segmentally unnatural utterances, would this be good grounds to conclude that the MOS results are based on judgements due to prosody alone?
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