Entropy: understanding the equation

The equation for entropy is very often presented in textbooks without much explanation, other than to say it has the desired properties. Here, I attempt an informal derivation of the equation starting from uniform probability distributions. A good way to think about information is in terms of sending messages. In the video, we send messages […]

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Pipeline architecture for TTS

Pipeline architecture

Most text-to-speech systems split the problem into two main stages. The first stage is called the front end and contains many separate processes which gradually build up a linguistic specification from the input text. The second stage typically uses language-independent techniques (although they still require a language-specific speech corpus) to generate a waveform. Here we see those two […]

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The Gaussian probability density function: understanding the equation

The equation for the Gaussian probability density function looks a little scary at first, but this video should help you understand what each of the terms is doing, and how they fit together. After watching the video download the spreadsheet which shows the calculations and plots from this video (tip: the Apple Numbers.app version includes images […]

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Sampling and quantisation

Is digital better than analogue? Here we discover that there are limitations when storing waveforms digitally. We learn that the consequence of sampling at a fixed rate is an upper limit on the frequencies that can be represented, called the Nyquist frequency. In addition to the limitations of sampling, storing each sample of the waveform as a […]

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Wave propagation on the surface of water

At the Alhambra (Granada, Spain) I saw this nice example of waves from a point source propagating in all directions at a fixed speed.

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Spectrum and spectrogram

The spectrum and the spectrogram are much more useful ways of analysing speech signals than the waveform. We look at how to create them using Wavesurfer and what effect the analysis window size has on what we see.    

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The speed of sound

At the Parque de las Ciencias in Granada, Spain there is this long tube, open at the end nearest you and closed at the far end. We can calculate the length of this tube just from the audio recording, because we know the speed of sound. Here’s the waveform of part of the recording, showing […]

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