Mini literature review

Just because research is published, doesn't mean it is perfect! That's the theme of this miniature literature review.

Select one of the topics below and write a short critical review of the two papers for that topic, comparing and contrasting the different methods and outcomes discussed. The papers are varied: some are major works that have influenced the field, others report work-in-progress. Some are good, others not so good – you decide!

Writing tips

Don’t quote excessively from the papers – quotes should only be used when you need to show the reader the exact wording used by the author (e.g., so you can make a comment about it). It is much better to summarise the content in your own words (whilst citing the original sufficiently to make it clear who the ideas belong to). You won’t get marks for using jargon that you don’t understand. You will get marks for clear summaries and showing that you understood what you read. Relating what you read back to your experience with Festival and the material in the Speech Processing course would be a good idea.

It is not essential to discuss papers other than those provided here, but you may do so if you choose and you may obtain a higher mark if you do this well. You will get more marks for a deep review of a few papers, than for a shallow review of many papers.

If you find papers on the Web, you must ascertain their original method of publication and give that in the bibliography – do not cite by URL. You can of course also cite textbooks, lecture notes and slides where appropriate. Be very wary of citing material which has not been formally peer reviewed (e.g., Wikipedia or arXiv).

Do not cut and paste material from papers or webpages into your report – we have several ways of detecting this (even if you modify the text to disguise it!) and plagiarism will be dealt with severely.

Topic 1: Prosody and Intonation

Topic 2: Waveform generation

Topic 3: Evaluation

In case you missed it: just choose ONE of the three topics for your review! Do not review all three topics!