Prepare your workspace

We're going to be generating quite a lot of different files, so we need a well-organised workspace in which to keep them.

I’m going to assume that you’ll put everything in your Documents directory. Download this zip file, unzip it (you might find that it is unzipped automatically after download) and move the resulting “ss” folder to your Documents folder. Open a Terminal and check that everything looks OK. bash$ is the bash prompt (yours may look different).

bash$ cd ~/Documents
bash$ cd ss
bash$ ls

and you should see three folders (pm, recordings, wav) and three files (,, utts.pauses).

If you installed all the tools needed for this exercise yourself, you now need to edit the two paths in The variable SSROOTDIR should point at the root directory of your installed tools, and FROOTDIR should point at the Festival installation within there.

Every time you open a new Terminal to work on this exercise, you need to run the script. Let’s do it now:

bash$ source

You won’t see any output, but various environment variables have been configured for you. By the end of the exercise, you’ll have more folders than this; here’s the complete list:

Folder Contains
recordings speech recordings, copied from the studio
wav individual wav files for each utterance
pm pitch marks
mfcc MFCCs for use in automatic alignment
lab label files from automatic alignment
utt Festival utterance structures
f0 Pitch contours
coef MFCCs + f0, for the join cost
coef2 coef, but stripped of unnecessary frames to save space, for the join cost
lpc LPCs and residuals, for waveform generation