Getting started

Install some software and learn how to log in to a lab computer.

Setup your personal computer and install necessary software

You will need a terminal to work in, ssh (secure shell) for logging in to a remote machine, scp and/or rsync for copying files between your personal computer and a remote machine, Praat and/or Wavesurfer for inspecting audio

Apple OS X

  • Terminal, ssh, scp, rsync – built-in, nothing to install
  • Install Praat
  • Install Wavesurfer
  • Install a plain text editor such as Atom
  • Optionally, if you want to use ssh keys, then
    • Install Homebrew
    • sudo brew install ssh-copy-id

Microsoft Windows


  • terminal, ssh, scp, rsync – built-in, nothing to install
  • Install Praat
  • Install Wavesurfer

Establish a connection to the University network

Do one of the following

    • Default choice: Connect to the University of Edinburgh VPN then open a terminal (Mac or linux) or Putty (Windows)
    • Alternative option: Open a terminal and ssh in to a DICE gateway machine (requires DICE account) such as – this can be accessed without using the VPN, which may be faster when the VPN is in heavy use (experiment for yourself). You will be limited to workflows that either copy files to/from your personal computer, or work entirely on the lab computers.

Tip from a Windows user: “set up the VPN connection as a private network rather than public / allow filesharing by changing security settings”.

If using the VPN, note that all traffic from your computer to/from the internet now goes through the University network. That has several implications, such as

  • it’s more secure than a direct connection, if on unsecured WiFi
  • it will be slower than without the VPN
  • avoid heavy traffic over the VPN (e.g., watching YouTube while working) because you may slow it down for everyone
  • the University servers may log traffic, such as the names of any websites that you visit

Choose a lab machine and log in

Pick a random number between 02 and 55. Construct a machine name from that number. For this example, we’ll use 20 which gives a machine name of

If you’re on Mac or Linux, you can quickly test if that machine is responding before attempting to log in (if not, it’s probably booted into Windows and cannot be used):

$ ping
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.014 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.022 ms
[use ctrl-C to terminate ping]

Now attempt to log in. If using Putty on Windows, follow the instructions on how to start a session – it’s similar to the following, but using the Putty interface and not the command line.

$ ssh

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:o5lK7XZUoJfF2IVanCfPbfguAxg6vYIoaoH1FjyTpr8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

type “yes” and hit Enter

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.'s password: 
Last login: Fri Oct 18 07:33:02 2019
/usr/bin/id: cannot find name for group ID 12345

Your username is your UUN (e.g., s1234567) and your password is the same as you use in the lab (your Active Directory password). You are now logged in to a lab machine, which you can confirm like this:

$ hostname

If you can’t log in, try another random machine. If you wish, you can check and update computer status on this spreadsheet

Optionally you can see if anyone else is using the machine, and if so whether it is busy. The machines are quite powerful, so there is no problem with multiple students using the same machine.

$ users
s1234567 s1234568 s1234569
$ top
[exit 'top' by pressing 'q']