
1.1.1 Festival unit selection, fully automatic (uncorrected) voice build, professional speaker

1.1.2 Nuance online demo (the Vocalizer product)

1.1.3 Acapela online demo

1.2.1 Festival + HTS statistical parametric (HMM) waveform generation with the STRAIGHT vocoder (same front end, speaker and database as 1.1.1)

1.2.2 Festival + HTS + STRAIGHT, with acoustic model adaptation from an average voice model to around 30 minutes of speech from non-professional target speaker

1.3.1 Microsoft’s “trajectory tiling” hybrid waveform generation and the corresponding paper

1.3.2 Nuance’s “multiform” method, which alternates between unit selection and statistical parametric waveform generation
(example currently unavailable)

1.3.3 USTC / iFlyTek hybrid waveform generation and the corresponding paper

1.3.4 SHRC hybrid waveform generation and the corresponding paper

1.6.1 highly intelligible HMM-generated speech (HTS benchmark from Blizzard Challenge 2013)

1.6.2 unit selection speech from ILSP judged as highly natural by listeners in the Blizzard Challenges of 2011 and 2013, respectively

1.8 Google Tacotron samples