The Viterbi algorithm is dynamic programming

When we apply dynamic programming to an HMM, we call it the Viterbi algorithm.

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going, Tio.
Now develop an algorithm and it's so special.
It's got a name.
It's just dynamic programming dynamic programming applied to this particular form of model to this Markov model on it's called the Viterbi Algorithm.
Peter B.
Is a person.
He exists.
I think he's a University of Southern California and the actual building named after the Viterbi School of Engineering.
It's kind of weird for a living person, but that's what goes on DH.
Although he didn't really know it.
He invented this algorithm as applied to speech recognition.
But he's only dynamic programming.
We'll see later on that same algorithms have generic names like Expectation Maximisation, and then they have specific names when we apply them to a particular model.
So as we play that tape Markov models, we might call that forward backward.
We might just call it even more specific to people's names that found Welsh algorithm.
Okay, so you're in the game early enough.
You get to have the algorithm named after you, but they are just specific instances off.
Very general algorithms are well known, not really invented by these people.
They're just applied to these models.
This is more evidence for why we really, really like using hidden Markov models because these generic algorithms, like dynamic programming and forward backward, apply nicely and cleanly to the model.
So that's why we're using, hmm, not because we think they're a good model of speech.

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